Welcome To The Fikzol Collagen
12 Bottle Club Rewards Program 2015
We are excited to show you how much we appreciate your business. Starting February 1, 2015 if you are an individual and have purchased any 12 bottles of Fikzol Collagen in Canada we will send you one bottle of any Fikzol Collagen product of your choice for free. You must reside in Canada and must show proof of purchase.
To effectively manage our 12 Bottle Club / Free Bottle Rewards Program, our shipping schedule will be active every 3 months; May 2015, August 2015, November 2015 and February 2016. If you have successfully purchased 12 Fikzol bottles in 2015 your free bottle will be shipped within the first week of the next ship month. Sign up is free.
To become a member of our 12 Bottle Club simply send us an email by using our member sign up email located on our home page at the bottom. Please title your email "12 Bottle Club" along with your first and last name and the date of your email. When you are ready to collect your free bottle simply mail us or email us proof of purchase.
Please block out any banking or credit card information that may appear on your retail receipts. Please take the time to read the additional terms and conditions of The Fikzol 12 Bottle Club Rewards Program located on our legal page.
Thank you for participating in our brand new 12 Bottle Club Rewards Program 2015, and thank you for all your support.
Joe Quadri
Fikzol Collagen Supplements
Aeo International Sales Inc.